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BioNet KICK-OFF meeting June 5th-7th 2023 in Leuven, Belgium

The BioNet project was successfully launched at the BioNet kick-off in person meeting held between June 5th and June 7th at Katholieke Universitet Leuven (KU Leuven), Belguim where representatives from each of the partner and affiliated institutions were present to present and discuss the coming project activities.

Representative members of each of the partner institutions presented each of the partner isstitutions and project teams, health and educational challenges in African partner countries and the role of EU partners in promoting environmental and occupational health and education. Also, role, vision and added value of the BioNet project in each partner country through the three coming years and partners expectations and engagements in the project period were shared.

Experience with sentinel surveillance projects in Belgium and Europe were shared with the partners and there was a fruitful discussion on the implementation of sentinel system in the Benin, Ethiopia, and Morocco.

Additionally, the partners were introduced to the financial and administrative parts of the project and representative members of each WP lead gave presentations on progress and upcoming deliverables for each of the BioNet workpackages.

Finally we had a fruitful discussion on the BioNet project boards and consortium agreement. The meeting was rounded off with a lovely guided tour visit of the city of Leuven. We are all very excited about the collaboration and are looking very much forward to the coming project activities.